Become the Conscious Gardner of Your Life
I hope you've had a lovely summer and that the weather is still sunny in September (I'm writing this in August!) This blog is all about becoming the conscious gardener of your life so you can make interventions in the moment to prevent you from falling into old patterns and beliefs. I've also included some statements that you can use to reframe situations that might arise so that you have a more positive day or outcome.
If life was a garden of both beautiful flowers and plants (positive beliefs and strategies and what’s working well for you) as well as weeds (old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve), becoming a conscious gardener of your life enables you to weed out what no longer serves and grow and nurture what does. We all have a mixture of both and have times when the garden looks well tended and in bloom as well as times where the weeds have taken over.
Don’t give yourself a hard time when the weeds resurface and start to dominate as this is normal for everybody even after working on yourself for some time. We all experience downpours of rain (off days, tired days, stressful days and challenging events that can last for periods of time) which enables the weeds to grow once again. The key is to accept that this is the case and not give yourself a hard time. Instead spot that they are there and weed them out rather than letting them go unnoticed otherwise they start to take over the garden and old patterns and habits resurface.
Recognising these for what they are is the key so that you avoid believing them and acting as if they're true which brings back the subconscious strategies that try to protect you and allows the weeds to flourish. Acknowledge you’re facing difficulty, recognise the old beliefs and patterns and release any emotion for the time you believed it was true. Weed out the weeds and focus on planting and tending to the flowers and plants that you want to grow more of your life and know that you are a human being experiencing all seasons and weather patterns just like every other garden.
Try Reframing Things
Here are some reframes that you can use to help you respond to a weed quickly in the moment. These are best combined with finding an outlet for any emotion, boosting self-care and self-compassion: