Spring is on the Way
Spring is on its way bringing the potential for more light, sunshine and warmth into our lives. It’s a good time for a spring clean and clear out to make way for more sunshine, light and happiness.

February, the Time for Self-Love
We typically associate February with Valentine's Day with a focus on romantic love and yet the biggest opportunity to bring more love into your life is through improving self-love.

Become the Conscious Gardner of Your Life
This blog is all about becoming the conscious gardener of your life so you can make interventions in the moment to prevent you from falling into old patterns and beliefs. I've also included some statements that you can use to reframe situations that might arise so that you have a more positive day or outcome.

Six Self-Confidence Tips To Remember!
I’m delighted to have written a guest blog this month for Mendip Activity Centre, a local adventure company about how to improve confidence and motivation to try a new sport or experience or feel better about the ones you are already doing.

Finding More Happiness
We all naturally strive to be happy in life but this desire is not always translated into reality as without knowing, our efforts to achieve this are often hampered by other factors.

Navigating Personal & Global Challenges
If you're noticing there's a lot going on in the world and feel impacted by global events or by an increased number of personal challenges, you're not alone.

Supporting Loved Ones Through Difficult Times
It's hard watching someone you care about suffer and it's challenging when you perceive you know what might help them, but they struggle to accept or even hear your suggestions. When it's been going on for a long time, the situation can take its toll and so I'm hoping my own learnings of going through this will be helpful to others.

The Power of Your Emotions
I'm sharing a personal story about how it's easy to dismiss our emotions as not valid or appropriate for many different reasons.

What Is Spiritual Coaching?
Spiritual coaching is a hybrid of my counselling and coaching experience blended with my spiritual trainings to enable a greater transformation. It's intuitively tailored to you and your belief system and is particularly suited to individuals who've already done some work on themselves but are ready to shift to a new level, feel called to a more meaningful pathway or would like to connect with a more heart-based approach.

Dealing With Difficult Situations
If you've got a lot going on or you're dealing with difficult situations, inevitably it will have a knock-on effect to your energy levels. Or you might just be feeling low in energy and would welcome a boost this month. So here are some tips for gaining more energy whilst also reducing stress and boosting your mood in the process…

I Am Human
As we approach Mental Health Awareness Week, I'm hoping the following poem will help promote more self-acceptance and self-compassion as well as helping to prevent and reduce mental health symptoms.

New Year’s Resolutions
There will be a lot of talk about setting New Year’s resolutions, but the reality is that most people don’t continue with their resolutions beyond the end of January.

Tips to Improve Your Relationships
Whether you’re wanting to bring more joy or peace to your relationship with friends, family, a significant other or yourself, try some of these tips…

More Peace When the World Around You Feels In Chaos
With so much going on in the world, it’s natural to feel at times anxious, afraid, helpless, despair, frustration, anger and a sense of hopelessness or powerlessness. These are not easy emotions to feel and it’s an understandable reaction to try to avoid your feelings. This can be particularly the case when they are connected to uncertainty and events that feel beyond your control. In this blog, I will be sharing some tips on how you can find more peace, feel less overwhelmed, strengthen your self-compassion and provide healthier strategies to manage your emotions.

Resilience - Living with a Disability
You wouldn’t know that I had a disability by looking at me and I initially struggled immensely to define myself in this way. It was hard enough to come to terms with my physical limitations and naming it “a disability” was another hurdle. Even when I begrudgingly accepted the label for myself, I felt ashamed to say it out loud as I perceived that my situation was not as bad as others. I felt guilty and disrespectful as I am fortunate enough to have all of my limbs, senses and am in good health generally.

Life is a Learning Curve
In this blog, I’m sharing what I wished I’d known when I was younger. I imagine this information would have offered support and reassurance at the time. Whilst I’m still learning every day, I hope that sharing this information might be a helpful reminder to you today or useful for somebody that you know.

Building a Happy and Fulfilling 2021
Many people set themselves New Year’s resolutions for the year ahead but the statistics for how many people stick to these are shockingly low. One study suggested that most people will have abandoned their resolutions by January 19th. To help you increase the likelihood of sticking to yours and working towards a happier and more fulfilling year ahead, I am outlining here today a process that will help you set realistic and meaningful goals.

Building Self-Esteem
We all have to work on building self-esteem in our lifetime and despite appearances, no one is immune to this. In my experience, self-esteem is in the top 3 reasons why people seek support from a counsellor.

Building Happiness
To have more happiness and self-acceptance in your life, firstly reflect on what gets in the way.

Self-Care Questionnaire
We all know the importance of self-care in theory but don’t necessarily follow it through into practice. Here is an exercise to help you do this. Having good self-care not only provides the benefits of looking after yourself but also help you to be more productive and happier in yourself.