Resilience Audit


Resilience is important in all aspects of life. It helps you to feel more able to cope with and overcome difficulties in life enabling you to feel happier and function better in life. Everyone can improve their levels of resilience. To help you do so, evaluate your level of resilience in the following 8 areas. You might be surprised to find you are more resilient in some areas than you realised. Then consider what action you could take to develop or strengthen each area further. For more information on how to do so, please see chapter 10 in Being Human – the path to self-acceptance, resilience and happiness.

Give each of the below areas of resilience a rating out of 10 and assign an action to develop or strengthen further.

Self-awareness: How often do you take time to monitor your stress levels, energy levels, productivity, level of happiness, feelings, needs and preferences?

Self-reflection: How often do you review situations/relationships in your life? What’s working? What’s needing attention? What’s being triggered? What are you learning about yourself?

Self-care regime: How well do you take care of yourself to ensure happiness, balance, relaxation, fun? How healthy and effective are your coping strategies?

Stress management: How effective is your ability to monitor your stress levels. What level is comfortable? What preventative steps do you take to manage stress and promote relaxation? What signs indicate that you’re struggling to cope? What helps you reduce overwhelm?

Self-compassion: How kindly do you speak to yourself? When you face difficulty, how self-compassionate are you? How often do you focus on your strengths and positive qualities rather than dwell on issues?

Problem solving: How proactive are you in acknowledging any difficulty versus a tendency to procrastinate or avoid situations? How effective is your ability to overcome problems and learn from them?

Support network: How often do you connect with different groups of people in a meaningful way? Do you have a repertoire of people who can provide support? How willing are you to ask for help?

Broaden your perspective: How often do you take a step back or take an outside view of your situation? What assumptions limit your perspective?


Life-Balance Audit


The ‘Being Human’ Story