Dealing With Difficult Situations

If you've got a lot going on or you're dealing with difficult situations, inevitably it will have a knock-on effect to your energy levels. Or you might just be feeling low in energy and would welcome a boost this month. So here are some tips for gaining more energy whilst also reducing stress and boosting your mood in the process:

  1. Get in tune with your energy barometer. To do this:

    • Ground yourself by imagining roots going out of your feet into the earth beneath you, connect to the sun by imagining branches stretching up to the sun and place yourself in a golden bubble to feel safe and protected.

    • Imagine a barometer for your energy levels. It could be a temperature gauge, scale of 1 to 10, a car rev counter or anything that resonates. Where would you rate your energy levels?

    • Imagine your daily activities and get a sense for what depletes your energy levels and what energises you. Notice the impact on your barometer.

    • Check in with this frequently to optimise your levels throughout the day. It's easier to do this proactively than reactively.

  2. Work on addressing any energy drainer's such as:

    • Over pleasing

    • Doing too much for others

    • Lack of self-care (particularly wind down routines for sleep, relaxation and stress management)

    • Over working

    • Exposure to too much negative media/gossip

    • Not being in flow i.e not focusing enough of your life on your true passions/what brings meaning/joy/peace to you

  3. Consider letting go of people and situations that are constantly draining (over a longer-term picture). The more you slow down, the more you can achieve. The more you support yourself, the more you can support others. Embrace positive self-care, positive thinking and spend time with those where you feel safe to be yourself to boost your energy.

  4. Consider your relationship with your emotions. In an ideal world, you would acknowledge every feeling, explore any information they may be highlighting and have a healthy outlet to release them. If instead, you frequently ignore or repress your emotions, this has a significant impact on your energy levels as well as your capacity for happiness. Imagine all of these feelings added to a metaphorical saucepan.

    Over time, the feelings can burst out of the pan (angry rant or tears) or simmer over (energy-sapping low mood or constant feeling of on edge). The energy required to hold the saucepan lid in place is a drain on your energy so having healthy strategies to manage your emotions can significantly boost your energy as well as happiness. Seek support if you need help to do this.

  5. Whilst showering, set the intention that you are washing away anything heavy, energy-draining, toxic, that no longer serves. See sense and feel that the water is purifying and cleansing. Out of the shower, take a moment to ground and protect (as with the 1st step of the energy barometer) and imagine the sun shining down through the top of your head, filling your body with warm, energising light. Cold showers also boost energy and endorphins.

  6. Get into nature. Spend time focused on your senses, appreciating the beauty of the natural world and walk barefoot or lie on the ground. Imagining connecting to the heartbeat of the earth as you do so. This energises as well as relieves stress.


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