Navigating Personal & Global Challenges

If you're noticing there's a lot going on in the world and feel impacted by global events or by an increased number of personal challenges, you're not alone. I will be sharing some thoughts on this today as well as some strategies to navigate this with more ease and confidence and I will continue to add more over the next few months.

Interpreting the Speed and Complexity of Change

How you interpret what's happening at global and personal levels will be down to your belief system. Perceiving it's down to a random series of events and a world out of control, can lead to a lot of fear, sadness and anger.

If instead like me, you believe that we are in the midst of a huge period of change and that in order to have breakthroughs in the way that we live, anything that's no longer serving you, humanity or the planet needs to shift in order to make way for the new.

This doesn't stop you experiencing all of the feelings above but it does hopefully bring an element of hope and trust that all is unfolding for a greater good making it easier to navigate these emotions and challenges.


Strategies to Help You

  1. Life is Happening For You Not To You

    Reclaim responsibility for all aspects of your life recognising the power of self-fulfilling beliefs, the side effects of any strategies that attempt to control any aspect of your life or happiness and instead learn to go more with the flow of life's ups and downs, own your "part" in any relationship dynamic and try to notice the hidden benefits of life's challenges. Adversity is not a reflection of you doing something wrong but rather an opportunity to learn, grow or change direction.

  2. Learn to Accept and Embrace Your Humanness

    Working with your emotions as information rather than something to avoid or ignore; embracing and fully utilising your unique strengths and gifts whilst working towards self-acceptance and self-love. Recognise that everyone even despite appearances faces challenges, has strengths and opportunity areas and no one person is fully gifted or attractive to everyone.

  3. Spend More Time Being Rather Than Doing

    Practice the art of self-reflection and self-awareness so that you can influence the first two strategies, practice being more in your body rather than in your head so that you're able to be more centred, calm and can respond rather than react in the face of adversity. Invest in relaxation and learn to work with your body to help increase your energy levels, happiness, productivity and reduce mental health symptoms.

  4. Find Your True Path

    Find a belief system that brings you peace, meaning and resonates deeply. Surround yourself with people that nurture and support you to be true to yourself as well as bring you more happiness and peace. Let go of conforming to other people's expectations or giving away your power to others.

  5. Practice Unconditional Love

    Rather than infusing your day with worry, self-criticism or overthinking, incorporate a practice of unconditional love instead. It's more than building a more compassionate response and connection to yourself as it also helps you shift how you feel inside so that you start to influence the results you see on the outside. You are cultivating acceptance and joy in the process.


Finding More Happiness


Supporting Loved Ones Through Difficult Times